There's nothing like the feel of a fresh start brought by the start of a new year, BUT, 2012 is definitely a year to remember for the sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau. The Psi chapter not only added a new position to its executive board, Sisterhood Development chair, but also raised over $9000 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, co-hosted famous speaker David Stollman with JMU’s Panhellenic council, attended National Convention, got 2nd place during Greek Week, had a full house for our Mr. Fraternity Pageant at Grafton-Stovall Theater, sold over 300 tickets for our Color 5k with Delta Sigma Phi, had our first annual sisterhood retreat, was selected as a Pilot chapter by Nationals, met up with the AST Chi chapter for Founder’s Day, created an alumni database, said goodbye to unforgettable seniors and welcomed amazing new members. After such a successful year, it’s only appropriate to dedicate the first blog post of 2013 to the everlasting memories made in 2012, after all, 2013 has some big shoes to fill! ;)
Check out some of our sisters’ favorite memories below!
Olivia D: “My favorite memory was big/little reveal when I found out who my big was! I was so happy when I found out who she was and excited to finally have a family :)”
Connie H: “During hurricane sandy, my sorority family came to my house and we all snuggled together in my room and waking up to them in my room made me smile.... And we spent the morning watching spongebob Haha”
Emily D: “Getting my little!”
Kathleen K: “Bid cel! Opening that envelope was beyond exciting, it just confirmed everything I felt from the beginning- AST is home <3”
Lauren C: “When my big and gbig came and supported me during my mom's memorial service! It was a really tough time for me but I was so glad to have the support of my AST fam!”
Chelsea A: “Late Wednesday night exec meetings in the basement! Passing around a bag of candy and sharing ideas. I always left feeling so blessed to be a part of this chapter!”
Brittany B: “Bid cel!! It was so exciting waiting for the new members to leave Wilson and then meeting them all and going to bdubs after with some of them :)”
Rayna M: “Being reunited with all my best friends and sisters on bid cel after being disaffiliated for so long. Running out to everyone and having signs made for me was so exciting and touching!”
Jen M: “Running up to my big on bid cel and knocking her over and crying.”
Alexa J: “Getting a new really cool advisor!”
Jen U: “When our chapter went to pump it up last semester!”
Elissa E: “ NATIONAL CONVENTION!!! It was fun to meet both older psi chapter girls and hear their experiences as well as meeting girls from other chapters, AND David Stollman!!!”
Kiara M: “my favorite memory was formal last semester .. dancing to call me maybe until they literally kicked us out .. and Allie B. making the grossest mix of meatballs cheese sticks and other things that shouldn't have been combined together”
Megan K: “eating lunch with ccov [AST’s national president] was the highlight of 2012, and possibly the highlight of my entire life...”
Rachel D: “Mr. Fraternity! #epic”
Jen R: “alumni tailgate 2012, love me some olda sistaaas <3”
Kathryn P: “Recruitment/bid cel and welcoming 63 beautiful new women into our sisterhood :) AND the sisterhood retreat”
Esha H: “Greek sing, which we should have won” ;)
Caity M: “PASSDOWNS OF COURSE! Cate, Laura and I ate a whole cheese pizza to ourselves. We have no shame and I plan on repeating this”
Courtney C: “Livin in da srat castle”
Maggie J: “Big little week/ reveal. Literally cried when I found out I had Maggie!”
Courtney S: “making 328746 cupcakes for all my sisters with a summer birthday!”
Madilyn S: “Being blue head to toe at our color 5K”
Courtney M: “Big Little Week when Ashley and I both knew we had each other but pretended like we didn’t so people didn’t get suspicious. We ended up hanging out in the basement and Jenna came down and was just like really guys, everyone knows you’re big/little”
Megha P: “umm, I’d have to say opening my envelope on bid cel and walking out to a crowd of screaming girls on the quad, it definitely made me feel right at home and I wouldn’t have felt better about my decision if it weren’t for all the fun and caring girls”
Kelsey O: “It was probably bid cel. Everyone was so excited both the sisters and the babies”
Courtney V: “I would say being a rho gamma slash getting my glit and seeing the excitement from the other side.”
Maura T: “Trying to dodge my little throwing color in our color run with my big!"
Leela R: “The first Omicron sleepover in the basement!”
Luisa C: “Seeing my littles grow up and turn into bigs; LOVE being a Gbig!”
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