Get to Know Exec: VP of Operations

Kiki Krawczyk currently holds the position of Vice President of Operations within our Psi chapter, the officer positions that she oversees are secretary, parliamentarian, historian, and nominations. When asked what motivated her to run for an Executive position she states that seeing how our current exec board was making such an impact on our chapter is what inspired her to run. She wanted to make her own impact on the chapter and make a difference where she saw fit.  She has always felt that AST has presented her with multiple opportunities along the way, but it was clear to her that joining exec would create an opportunity for her to give back to her sisters and her chapter.  
            Her favorite part about her position is knowing that what she does on a daily basis for the chapter is making a positive difference, even if it takes a few months to truly appreciate the operational tasks she accomplishes.  She also loves how closely she gets to work with the other fabulous women on our Exec Board and make those strong connections.  She says that the most challenging part of this position is trying to choose one idea and go with it, she has so many ideas for the chapter she would love to implement as well as the ideas they brainstorm during their executive meetings.  However, they only have a limited amount of time to work on certain things.  It is also challenging to schedule rooms for chapter wide events when there are restrictions on the functionality of the actual website. 
            Kiki admires various qualities from the other women on Exec Board.  She appreciates their drive and passion to make the sorority better, “it’s amazing to be surrounded by strong women who care about an organization who work day in and day out to turn their ideas into reality”, she says.  She gives insight on how it took a bit of time to fully adjust to the daily responsibilities of her position, but with time her tasks began to flow easily.  She manages this position as if it were another class, reserving time either in the morning or evening to accomplish everyday tasks.  She emphasizes the amount of time that is needed to go into a positon on Exec Board, she does her best to maintain her routine with work outs and other responsibilities for other organizations, but she prioritizes this position over other activities. 

