A Day in the Life of a Philanthropic
Psi Sister
Written by Sarah
As her iPhone
clock strikes seven-thirty the ringtone begins to chime and the sun begins to
creep through the blinds. Like most of us she isn’t a morning person, so the
ongoing chimes also woke her roommate. No worries, they’re in the sorority house.
Now, they begin to hear many alarms signaling that the girls are ready to start
their day. Today the sisters are participating in one of their many
philanthropy events throughout the semester!

Earlier, the director of philanthropy, Jenna Smith,
recruited her committee of ten sisters. Together these sisters worked long
hours to create social media posts and pages, raise awareness, make posters,
design shirts, and collaborate with other sororities, fraternities, and
organizations. Our Alpha Sigma Tau members always elicit help from other
sisters. Whether help comes from a big, a little, roommates, or friends all
help is appreciated and welcomed.

This year there was a communication issue booking the playing
fields. After many emails, dates were changed, and meetings rescheduled the sorority’s
executive board feared what would occur. Both Jenna and the executive members took
charge, they met many times to discuss possible options. No one could bear to
cancel an event that the JMU community was so excited to participate
The day of the event, another issue arose. About an hour or
so before it started Jenna received calls that teams had to cancel and wouldn’t
make it. The bracket had been made a week prior but this unforeseen issue needed
to be solved.
However, with the help of eager committee sisters, Jenna and
her team fixed the bracket before the event, so it could go off seamlessly.
Jenna says, “Without the help and support of these amazing people I don’t know
how I would’ve been able to do it.”
Alpha Sigma Tau sisters always pull together to raise money
for philanthropy and have a blast doing it! Psi Chapter President Keely Bennett
is excited that, "Our philanthropies are one of my favorite things about
being in Alpha Sigma Tau. Not only are we raising funds and awareness for
amazing causes but we're having fun, making memories, and strengthening our
Like the Psi chapter, Alpha Sigma Tau chapters everywhere
find these events rewarding knowing that they helped make a change in others’
lives. Keely explains, “Philanthropy is extremely important to us because it's
an event that allows all of us to come together and make a difference. It's
amazing to see our sisterhood unite and raise money for Dress for Success."
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